Welcome to the multi-view based Henshin Editors and Henshin TGG Engine.
The Henshin Multi-View Editor is an alternative to the integrated Henshin Graphical Editor. It is based on the Muvitor framework and maintained at TU Berlin and Uni Luxembourg.
Update site
This is an update site. You can install the software directly in Eclipse using the following URL: http://de-tu-berlin-tfs.github.io/Henshin-Editor/
Main features of the Henshin multi view editor
- Multi-view: the editor provides a tree-view of the transformation system and graphical views for rules and graphs
- Visual simulation: you can create a graph and apply your rules in the GUI
- Rule view with separate LHS and RHS instead of an integrated view
Henshin TGG engine
The henshin tgg engine extends the henshin engine by features based on triple graph grammars (TGGs) used for:
- bidirectional model transformation
- model integration
- incremental model synchronisation (state based and delta based)
Henshin TGG editor
The henshinTGG editor provides an IDE for deveoping and simulating TGGs via a graphical multi-view editor user interface:
- creation of TGG rules
- creation of triple graphs
- generation of operational rules (forward translation - FT, backward translation - BT, consistency creating - CC, integration - IT)
- execution and simulation of TGG operations: forward model transformation (=FT=>), backward model transformation (=BT=>), model integration (=IT=), consistency checking (=CC=), state based forward and backward propagation (=S-fPpg=>, <=S-bPpg=), delta based forward and backward propagation (=D-fPpg=>, <=D-bPpg=)
For more information, see the WIKI-manual of HenshinTGG.
The multi-view editors are is available here at github. The repository contains the Henshin base plugins as well, which are extended to fit to the HenshinTGG editor.
To try the Muvitor-based Henshin-Editor, it is suggested that you use the plug-ins from the github repository. You can clone the repository and start the editor by 1. Import the plug-ins from the github repository into your main workspace 2. Run > Run as > Eclipse application